After work on Saturday I went to Ann’s place for the healing/learning group. There, I met three women, one of whom I saw at the Quest service Sunday. All of these women are very nice and sincere. I felt we blended quite well.
Walter was out of town (visiting someone in Calgary), so Ann read some material that was dictated to her by Spirit. It was on “attachment/detachment” and used a metaphor of a person as a lettuce leaf being digested by life, the digester. It was quite interesting. It had to do with allowing things to happen–giving oneself over to the powers that be, that cause events, etc., to move harmoniously and naturally.
When we try to get in there and control things, we impede the natural flow. We don’t have the capacity to oversee all the workings in our own lives. Over-control causes pain. Attachment causes pain.
Ann also gave me some Qs and As on mediumship which I took home to photocopy. Next Sunday she said she will be reading tea cups. I think I’ll bring the cake.
Imbolg is upon us. I’ll be celebrating on Feb. 2, my day off.