Interlake Arts, Life & Leisure

    Vol1;3-200  Vol.2, No.1-200  mag cover V2_2-200  Vol. 2; 3-cover

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The following are articles by Teresa Carey

Volume 1, No. 1

  • Chatfield’s “Living Museum”
  • Tribute to an Interlake Icon: Remembering Clarence Tillenius
  • The Hankie House (The world’s most unique–possibly its largest hankie collection
  • Pioneer Recipes Revisited: 3 variations on an old time favourite, Bread Pudding
  • Ticked Off? You are not alone!
  • Gimli’s ‘Butterfly Whisperer’

Volume 1, No. 2

  • Recovery, Art & Reaching Out: The “Mental Arts Initiative”
  • Quest for the Mythic “Excalibur”
  • Modern Twist on Chain Maille
  • Arborg Heritage Village: Travel Back in Time
  • Secret “Honey Hole” on Lake Manitoba
  • Poetry: What Does It Mean Anyway?
  • Yard Work Done For Free
  • Humour “Pet Fish”

Volume 1, No. 3

  • True Love Found at Crabby Steve’s
  • Gimli Artist: It became a “Quest”
  • Painting Manitoba’s Lighthouses
  • Lundar’s Annual Fall Goose Shoot
  • Art for a Manitoba Climate (Stonewall’s Ralph Tanchak)
  • You Too Can Create a Snow Sculpture
  • It’s Contest Time: Best Snow Person Challenge

Volume 2, No. 1

  • The Stories Never End
  • St. Laurent’s Hidden Gallery
  • How to Create a Living Universe in a Jar

Volume 2, No. 2

  • A Trip to Remember
  • A Candid Interview About Art, Creativity & Life with Multi-Media Artist, Angel Calnek
  • 10 Great Ice Cream Decorating Ideas for Kids (& Adults)

Volume 2, No. 3

  • Carvers of the Interlake (Four Profiles)
  • Exploring Steep Rock
  • Discovering Peonan Point

Volume 3, No. 1

  • Get Your Head in the Clouds Photo Contest
  • Linda Vermeulen Photography

Volume 3, No. 2

  • An Important Part of Hecla Island History–The Ferry
  • The Golden Pond–Retired & Happily Floating His Boats
  • The Remarkable History of the Black Hawk VI

Volume 3, No. 3

  • One Woman’s Remarkable Journey to Health (Shawn Cote’s Story)
  • Artful Quilts & the Giving Hands of a Community
  • The Angel Gown Project
  • The Moosehorn Heritage Museum
  • Herbal Wild Crafting

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