Arborg-area cop launches second book

Article appeared in the Nov 24, 2011 issue of the Interlake Spectator…

Arborg area RCMP officer, Bob Dowd, writes a lot in his spare time. He has written his second book, this one entitled “The Anti-Bully”, which he will be launching at Palsson Fine Foods in Arborg, on Nov. 24.
He has dedicated the book to “those that stepped between bullies and their victims. It’s not always an easy place to stand and I salute you.”
“I was bullied…I got pushed around like everyone else. I pushed people around like everyone else. I did see people who were bullied to the extreme. I stood by and did nothing. Sometimes I wish I had done more,” Dowd said.
In this 320-page fiction novel, Bryan, the protagonist, stands up against bullies and takes on a street gang who terrorizes other kids. The 18-year-old hero is strong, but humble. It is a physical book, with themes ranging from courage, grief and loss, romance, friendship and hope.
“The story is based on a person who is that much better, stronger, faster than everyone else…He realizes what he sees isn’t right and decides to step in,” said Dowd.
“The Anti-Bully” is geared toward the 13 to 21 age group. However, it will appeal to anyone interested in getting into the mind of a cop. Many of the scenes reveal the thought processes of a mind trained in fighting.
Dowd hopes that he will be able to get the book into the school system, and wants to meet with high school English teachers in the area.
“When they start reading it, they should immediately start identifying with it in their school…I’m not saying my answer in here is the answer. That’s just my way of dealing with it. It certainly is a point of view.”
Dowd believes that the book will open a door for students and teachers to dialogue on the problem of bullying going on in their schools.
Dowd continues to write after putting in his hours as a crash reconstructionist. He published his first book, “2012 It Actually Happened” last year, an ‘end-of-the world’ exploration.
“It is based on lawlessness. There are no rules, no laws.” The protagonist in book one is a police officer who hires himself out to protect people and maintain law and order.
Dowd has already completed his third book, “Is This Our Future?”, set several hundred years into the future. The main characters design space suits for a solar system that has been populated by humans.
He has also made a good start to a sequel to book one, which will be called, “2011. It’s Still Happening”.
“And there’s a Western rattling up here too,” said Dowd.
” I write like I talk. People like it because it’s aimed at the average folk.”
Dowd’s first book is available at McNally Robinson in Winnipeg, Coles Book Stores in Winnipeg and Brandon, at smaller stores and gas stations across rural Manitoba.
“The Anti-Bully” will be available at Palsson’s Fine Foods, and sells for $14.95. Dowd will be signing copies there on Nov. 24, from noon to 6 p.m.

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About Teresa

Teresa Carey is a ceramic artist, writer, photographer, journalist, publisher and nature lover. She lives in Manitoba's Interlake on a small acreage close to the shores of Lake Winnipeg.

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